Thursday, 21 May 2009

Off to the USA

Just a short note to let those who do not know yet that I am going Stateside June the 8th for a Conference in Rochester, New York.

The conference is the '11th International Thomas Merton Society' conference and will involve, pigs permitting, people from all around the world who share a passion for Thomas Merton, like I do.  Often we spend much time with figures of a bygone era in the form of saints from another age, but Thomas Merton was a man of the 2oth century who influenced his contemporaries via his teachings on solitude and meditation, peace, non-violence, human rights and dialogue with thinkers of all the major religions. 

His understanding of man and his world and the relationship with God and Jesus Christ is as relevant today as it was when he was alive (born 1915, died 1968).

While away I will update this blog and provide information on the conference for those interested.

For more information visit this website:

1 comment:

Musket Ball John said...


I look forward to your updates from the conference.
