Wednesday, 7 April 2010

The Eyes Have It!

Had a revelation last night, about 1am. Seems normal. The idea was very simple and came in the words, "we only hear the voice over, we really see the face."

When was the last time you really, and I mean really, looked at the face in the mirror, whenever you may do that. And when you did so, did you look deeply into the eyes of the person your saw there? Honestly!

If you were asked to draw your face, describe its features, comment on the shade of your eyes etc., could you do it?

You see I have this theory that the person we know the less is ourselves because we actually pay less time to who we really are than we do to the stuff we do everyday. As a result we are less able to engage others honestly because we have little idea about ourselves.

We hear the voice over, the noise of who project to the world, yet we do not see the face we hide behind. If the eyes are indeed the window of the soul, and I believe they are, then we need to pay attention to the windows of our own soul before looking into the eyes of others.

Perhaps we avoid doing so because we fear we won't like what we see, but the truth is we can only live in the world if we are in tune with our inner world. It is this inner world where we engage the transcendent Lord of Life, find that the very God who contains us is contained within, that everything we need to be who we were created to be is, and has always been, within us if only we could see it. Or perhaps if only we took the time to look and cease from our searching and simply relax in solitude and silence.

As the old Zen saying says (and Psalm 42:10) "Be still, be very very still, and above all else do not wobble." Turn your eyes inward and you will discover the questions of life hand in hand with their answers and the whole world will slip into harmony with you, or should I say, you will be in harmony with creation for you will, once again, be one with it.

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