Well, here we are, back at the beginning of another school year! I hope all had a great break and are ready for whatever this year surprises us with.
I am mindful that we are all aware of the tragedy which has affected much of our country - the floods across Queensland, NSW and Victoria, and the bush fires in WA. Our country is a place of diverse experiences and is always challenging us through the extremes of its climate. Sometimes it is easy to forget the harshness inherent in the place in which we live, but nature finds ways to remind us that life here is fragile and risky.
There are some changes on this blog for 2011. Firstly it will be used to update the school community on happenings in the chapel. A new link has been included called 'What's On In The Chapel'. If you click on it you will see the latest details of events and activities being held weekly in the chapel.
Another new link is being added called "Community Corner" which has information for the wider school community, particularly parents. This will announce events and activities specifically for parents.
This blog will be updated weekly with copies of sermons, topical information and more. You are invited to comment, subscribe, suggest ideas and much more.
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