Saturday, 26 March 2011

The Unlikely Witness

The recent you tube video of the bullied schoolboy retaliating and throwing the aggressor onto the concrete path has created somewhat of a media storm, if not in fact, media bullying. Two rival stations bullying each other to capture ratings success out of the trauma of two teenage boys, one 12 years of age. I am not sure which is worse, the video itself or the exploitation of the boys by others...............

To see the full sermon on this subject, click on the Sermon link.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Resources for Parents

This week in the new chapel area (watch this space for new name and logo - coming soon!) a range of resource books for parents is being added to the new bookshelves. These books are recommended reads from the Chaplains personal library and are available to be borrowed and read. The books cover subjects relevant to parents and provide a wide range of information and support. Please feel free to call in and pick-up and booklist, browse the shelves, have a coffee and borrow what you need. (Details of how to borrow will be displayed clearly for you).

A copy of the book list will be added to the blog in the coming days on the new Resources page.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Leadership - Not Something You Talk About, But Something You Do!

Our school is blessed with great leaders, and I am not just talking about the teachers (although they are fantastic too!). I am referring to our year 11 & 12 students who don't just talk about being leaders but lead.

With the new look chapel in place and between 30 and 90 students being in the space every lunchtime, I have had my hands full. When I put the call out for senior students to supervise the new space at lunchtimes, 17 hands went up. 17 young people are willing to give up their lunchtimes to supervise and mentor the younger students who use the new space. That's leadership in action and we need to applaud them.

We are also running a fortnightly activity for years 5 & 6 in the chapel. Again some 10 year 12's volunteered to lead this group, running the activities and promoting the event. 60 year 5 & 6 students came the first day! Again leadership in action.

If we just watched the evening news we could be fooled into thinking ill of the younger generation (gen Y or gen next). We would be wrong. On the whole, they are enthusiastic, keen, responsible and respectful, especially those who attend our school.

Take the time to encourage them, they deserve it.