Friday, 1 March 2013

Rhinoceritis - Thomas Merton on Being Human

It seems a little ironic that I will be presenting my paper on "Rhinoceritis - Thomas Merton on Being Human" at the Newcastle University tomorrow and it hasn't stopped raining since I arrived!

In Merton' article, "Rain and the Rhinoceros", he is suggesting we are unable to control or own the rain. After 6+weeks of rain at home, I get it!  The rain is, simply rain. As rain, it is the subject of it's own existence and can not be objectified and owned by another.  He compares that to people who, if seen as objects, can and are owned, controlled and consumed by others. You and I are objects to those who benefit from our consumer society, for example. And more.

For more on Merton's thought and my paper insert this link in your browser

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your paper quite eye opening and it has given me new perspective on what it is to be a person rather than an individual and how i view myself. Well Done!