Wednesday, 13 March 2013

What I Learnt about Twitter from My Dog

@Montythespoodle is on track to have more followers on twitter than me (@glennloughrey)! How can that happen@! I mean, I am an intelligent, creative human being who tweets interesting stuff I find all over the net. I try and ensure that what I have to say is worthwhile and interesting to my followers. And I am not a dog.

Perhaps that's the problem. You see, @Montythespoodle only follows other dogs, keeps his tweets focussed and follows back - it seems to be the standard in the world of wooftweetters' - you follow back. I find many I follow simply don't do that. It's all about me and my profile and I won't support you by following back seems to be the standard for human tweetters'.

Wooftweeters' also message, give thanks when others follow them and engage in conversation. They don't want to sell you anything, invite you to something or convert you to a cause or project. They just want to say hello.

I wonder what we can learn?

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