Thursday 20 November 2008

The Degustation Breakfast

Well, last Saturday's Blokes Breakfast was indeed an occaision to remember. The Cooks Warren and Ian excelled themselves with 6 enjoyable and wonderful taste sensations. Warren particularly has been spectacular this year and we thank him (and Ian) especially for his efforts.

The idea of the Degustation Breakfast was linked diretly to the feast put on by the Prodigal Sons Father when he returned. This concept of valuing through hospitality is one which is embedded in the Gospels and in Jesus' concept of the Kingdom of God.

It is significant that his first miracle was at a feast and his last meal was at a feast - the Passover meal. Jesus bookended his ministry with hospitality and so much more of his teaching revolves around sharing or breaking bread with one another, typified in the Eucharist we share each time we ccelebrate it.

Last Saturday saw 26 men of all ages come for breakfast and stay for almost 3 hours, sharing a meal together and talking. And not just talking but sharing in a very real way.

What started out some 5 months ago as a traditional men's breakfast has developed into a monthly event, looked for and celebrated by all who attend.

It will be exciting to see what God will do with this event and the Blokes who attend in 2009!

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